Helping a Loved One with Breast Cancer

Helping a loved one with breast cancer.

We live in a world where the general five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 90%. That survival rate is proof of the scientific advancement and empathy focused on breast cancer research. Together, scientists, medical care providers, and patient advocates have saved countless lives through the improvements in treatment that they made possible. Sadly, none of this changes the fact that a breast cancer diagnosis has an immediate effect on the patient and everyone they love. But how do you go about helping a loved one with breast cancer? Here in Austin, our breast cancer doctor is here to help every step. Whether you or a loved one is undergoing chemotherapy in Austin, we are by your side. Helping a Loved One with Breast Cancer The truth is that the process of healing cancer is traumatizing by itself. Even with the best possible prognosis, your loved one will need …

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Finding Support During Chemotherapy

Finding support during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy treatment can be the most challenging time of your life, but you aren’t alone: here are tips for finding support during chemotherapy. There is nothing quite like hearing a cancer diagnosis. The threat of mortality, the lost possibilities, and a future filled with uncertainty are aspects that no one can ignore. Yet, we constantly see images of the stoic cancer patient in media. These characters that just sit there, somehow totally at peace with their diagnosis, are not something that you have to aspire to be. You are allowed to be scared. You are allowed to be angry. These are all normal emotions that you should feel. However, it is possible to let them consume you, which could harm your chances of reaching a full recovery. The Complications of Chemo Learning to recognize your negative emotions without letting them take over your life is hard enough. Chemotherapy adds …

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Feeling Beautiful with Breast Cancer

breast cancer surgeon in Austin

A diagnosis of breast cancer means many changes to the body you know and love. Working with your breast cancer surgeon in Austin through each stage of treatment and recovery, you must learn to adjust to new changes in your appearance. Many of these changes will be temporary; some will be permanent. During this time of upheaval, taking time to appreciate your beauty as it is not only comforting but can positively impact your health and well-being.

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