Help for Staying Positive in Cancer Treatment

concept image of hope and staying in positive in cancer treatment

For most people, a cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event. Reactions will vary based on the individual, but being told you have cancer will undoubtedly come with a touch of shock and even fear. Let’s look at some help for staying positive in cancer treatment. Help for Staying Positive in Cancer Treatment You may have heard some people argue that a positive outlook is key to long-term recovery, but the science doesn’t support that. What a positive outlook can do is help you to modulate your stress levels. It won’t always be possible to stay positive, but we do have some tips for the times when you want to be positive but just can’t. Join a Support Group Cancer treatment can be isolating. Everyone around you will be struggling to find ways to talk to you, and you may not have the patience to deal with your stress and …

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Help for When Your Spouse has Cancer

Concept image for helping spouse with cancer

No one wants to hear that their spouse has cancer. While you recognize that you cannot fully comprehend their experience, there are parts of it that are shared. Their fear and their pain will inevitably cause you fear and pain over the course of their treatment. Let’s look at options for help when your spouse has cancer. Help for When Your Spouse has Cancer The two may not be equal in terms of the physical consequences, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that your emotional health remains important. In fact, taking care of yourself is what is going to allow you to be there for your loved one through the entirety of this ordeal. Very few, if any, people can manage to pull that off without help. If you ever feel like cancer is affecting your relationship in a lasting manner or draining you of your reserves, you …

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Helping a Loved One During Chemo

Mother helping a loved one during chemo

There is no easy part of breast cancer. The initial surgery, chemotherapy, and reconstruction each have their own challenges. With that said, chemotherapy is often the most difficult and longest-lasting part of treatment. Let’s look at helping a loved one during chemo. Helping a Loved One During Chemo The extreme fatigue, constant nausea, and lack of reprieve makes chemotherapy physically and emotionally draining. The good news is that there are a number of ways that you can help. From one family that went through breast cancer to another, here are the things you can do to make the biggest difference. Help Care for Dependents If there are young children or pets then helping to care for them is the best thing you can possibly do to help someone going through chemotherapy. You don’t have to be there long-term. The first two to three days after treatment are the worst. …

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Managing Anxiety about Breast Cancer Risk

group of people Managing Anxiety about Breast Cancer Risk

It isn’t easy to just turn anxiety off, especially when it’s related to something as life-changing as cancer often is. With that said, the truth is that your anxiety isn’t helping, and it could actually be harming your general health. For people suffering from anxiety related to their breast cancer risk it’s vital to take action by managing their preventative health care and talking to a licensed psychologist. The Generational Trauma of Breast Cancer Watching a loved one, such as your mother, struggle through the trauma of breast cancer isn’t an experience you are likely to forget. Knowing that breast cancer can be hereditary doesn’t make it any easier. Even if your family member has a promising outcome and can return to life as normal, you’re stuck wondering if and when it will happen to you. In some ways, the looming threat of higher breast cancer risk makes it …

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Finding Support During Chemotherapy

Finding support during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy treatment can be the most challenging time of your life, but you aren’t alone: here are tips for finding support during chemotherapy. There is nothing quite like hearing a cancer diagnosis. The threat of mortality, the lost possibilities, and a future filled with uncertainty are aspects that no one can ignore. Yet, we constantly see images of the stoic cancer patient in media. These characters that just sit there, somehow totally at peace with their diagnosis, are not something that you have to aspire to be. You are allowed to be scared. You are allowed to be angry. These are all normal emotions that you should feel. However, it is possible to let them consume you, which could harm your chances of reaching a full recovery. The Complications of Chemo Learning to recognize your negative emotions without letting them take over your life is hard enough. Chemotherapy adds …

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Everything You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Support Groups

Breast cancer support groups can provide emotional support during trying tims

There is never a convenient time for a cancer diagnosis. Regardless of your financial position and familial support, breast cancer is disruptive and destructive, with a multitude of associated costs. The team at Breast Health Institute Austin does everything in its power to ensure all patients receive the care and support they need, but it is okay to need more. One way is through breast cancer support groups. Whether you’re concerned about medical bills, child care, or just need emotional support, there are resources that you can use to bring more stability to your everyday life. Although there are big national names like Cancer Care, the Pink Fund, and the Breast Cancer Charities of America, you can also find many local resources to help you build a much-needed community. The Necessity of Support Professional group leaders and fellow cancer patients/survivors can aid you in the fight against isolation that …

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What to Expect After a Mastectomy

Life after a mastectomy

Whether your mastectomy is preventative or a response to a positive cancer diagnosis, the honest truth is that this surgery is incredibly hard on most women. Those of us who have watched our mothers, aunts, sisters, etc. undergo a mastectomy already have some idea of how physically and emotionally draining this particular surgery can be. However, a second-hand experience is ultimately removed from the actual experience. In preparation for your procedure, Dr. Darlene M. Miltenburg at Breast Health Institute Austin will have already spoken to you about post-surgical care. What she may not have spoken to you about yet is the mental and emotional toll that this procedure often takes on women, so let us take a few minutes to discuss your physical and your mental health post-mastectomy. The Physical Toll This topic receives a lot of coverage, mostly because many patients appear to initially assume that their surgeon …

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Coping with Chemo: What to Expect and How to Handle it

Bald woman sitting on yoga mat happy

A breast cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. There’s no denying that simple fact. To do otherwise would ignore everything your body has meant to you. Imminent surgery is already a lot to handle. You will have to decide with your doctor how you want to approach it. You can maintain a level of control in regard to your decision of when or if to have reconstructive surgery; however, when it comes to chemotherapy, control can often seem out of reach. This can make coping with chemotherapy very difficult.

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Tackling the Psychological Effects of Breast Cancer

Daughter hugging cancer survivor mother helping with breast cancer depression

It is never easy to receive a cancer diagnosis. Everyone responds differently. Some treat it as a call to action, immediately scheduling and researching everything they possibly can. Others freeze for a moment, unable to fully process what just occurred. Regardless of the manner in which you respond to your cancer diagnosis, there is one consideration that is almost unique to breast cancer, the fact that your body will never look the same again. Breast cancer depression is very real, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps to counter it.

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Coping with Breast Cancer

Being diagnosed with breast cancer can spark a range of emotional reactions: fear, sadness, shock, anger, anxiety. Learning to cope with these emotions and feelings can feel impossible at times, but you are capable of much more than you realize. From diagnosis to recovery, having a support system, whether that be your family, your friends, or a support group, is integral as you go through treatments and beyond. Coping with breast cancer may sometime feel like an incredible hurdle, but it is one you can surely overcome with the right information and support. For more support and medical expertise, contact the best breast cancer doctor in Austin, Dr. Miltenburg today. You are not Alone Feeling overwhelmed during your diagnosis or treatment is incredibly common, so you do not need to feel like you are alone. You absolutely are not. Depression, anxiety, fear, and sadness are not only common, they …

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