Breast Cancer Risk Decreased by Breastfeeding?

Breast Feeding And Breast Cancer

Breast Feeding And Breast Cancer

Recent studies have suggested a link between the act of breastfeeding and the reduction of the risk for cancer. While natural breastfeeding of your newborn child is always encouraged, now there may be more than one good reason to continue this behavior.

Breastfeeding is typically very healthy for a baby, and can help bolster their developmental, social, and mental growth. By breastfeeding, not only are you strengthening your child, but you are establishing an intimate bond with them as well.

And now, you could even be decreasing your chances of developing breast cancer. At The Breast Institute Austin, we are always supportive of proactive research and new findings that appear to help with cancer risk reduction. Our breast center family has deducted some research to figure out the science behind this theory, and whether breastfeeding your child can really help you avoid developing cancer. To consult with the best breast cancer doctor in Austin, reach out to Dr. Miltenburg today.

Breastfeeding Reduces Exposure to Estrogen

One of the main contributors to breast cancer is the hormone estrogen, which is naturally produced in female bodies. During lactation, a mother experiences hormonal changes. This shift in the production of hormones can cause a delay in the menstrual periods, which means there is a reduction of estrogen development. During this period, the female body is less exposed to estrogen than someone who never experiences lactation. Therefore, the chances for developing breast cancer are highly reduced.

Likewise, breastfeeding and the lactation period can also reduce the risk for ovarian cancer. Since the mother does not ovulate or have menstrual cycles during this time, she is less exposed to these risks. Overall, the promotion of breastfeeding is highly encouraged.

Tips for Maximizing Breastfeeding Safety

The best way to ensure that you are reducing the risk for cancer during the lactation period is to breastfeed your child for at least six months, if not more. During this time, the baby should be exclusively fed by natural breastfeeding, rather than through formula solutions in a bottle.

The American Institute for Cancer Research provides ample evidence of the extreme health benefits to both you and your child during the six-month practice of exclusive breastfeeding. This is largely due to the fact that your baby receives the best nutrients for them during this crucial developmental stage.

Mothers who breastfeed for over a year are 63% less likely to develop cancer than those who spend less than half a year breastfeeding. Those who choose to breastfeed their child for over 30 months have over a 91% chance of reducing the risk for ovarian cancer.

Breastfeeding Protects Your Baby as Well

Not only can you reduce the risks for cancer by breastfeeding, but your child is benefiting from the same protection as well. Natural breastfeeding can keep your child from later developing health issues such as obesity or weight management issues. The nutrients found in breast milk also create a protection that reduces your child’s risk for breast, kidney, pancreatic, rectal, and endometrial cancers.

Plus, your child’s immune system is hyper-boosted during the breastfeeding period. And the longer you’re able to naturally breastfeed your child, the stronger their immune system will be. There is clear research to show that breastfeeding is one of the most advantageous things you can do for both your child and yourself.

Best Breast Cancer Doctor in Austin

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the breastfeeding period, or you want to learn more about the ways to reduce the risk of breast cancer, get in touch with the best breast cancer doctor in Austin. You can contact us online for a quick response or to schedule a consultation. We are also available at (713) 714-3930 to speak with you at any time. We look forward to answering all your questions and getting you the help you need as soon as possible!