Breast Biopsy Preparation Guidelines

Preparing for a breast biopsy can come with a lot of worries, fears, and questions. When consulting with your breast cancer surgeon about getting tested, a biopsy is typically one of the first steps in figuring out a diagnosis. A biopsy is a procedure that involves removing a tiny piece of tissue from your breast, so it can be further analyzed in a lab for an accurate diagnosis. This is the best way to tell whether or not there are cancer cells present in your body. Today, we will lay out some straightforward breast biopsy preparation guidelines so you know exactly what to expect.

Breast Biopsy Preparation Guidelines

Why You Might Need a Breast Biopsy

Visiting your doctor for breast concerns can cause a number of worries, and you can go through a series of tests to narrow down possible medical conditions based on your symptoms. Whether or not you feel painful bumps in your breast, it is a good idea to get a biopsy as soon as possible.

You can get a biopsy to:

  • Test a lump in the breast to find out whether or not it is cancerous
  • Get further information about nipple problems
  • Look closer into the test results from a previous mammogram
  • Confirm or deny additional breast-related concerns

Since different types of biopsies are available, it is a good idea to know what kind of biopsy will work best for your needs. Your doctor will have a long discussion with you to go over the details of each biopsy, giving you instructions on how to properly prepare. We’ll review some of these instructions below.

Preparing for Your Biopsy

There are a few things that you can prepare for with your provider before you go in for your breast biopsy procedure. Make sure you know everything you need to know to feel confident and assured during every step of the process.

Determine the Type of Biopsy

Depending on the symptoms you are experiencing or other conditions that have been discovered in tests, you may need a specific type of biopsy. Fine needle aspiration biopsy includes removing tissue or fluid from your buddy using a needle. This might be used if you are shown to have a cyst or a lump.

Open biopsies are surgical and require full anesthesia before part of your tissue can be removed. If there is a lump in your breast but it is small or difficult to find, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Get Ready the Night Before

If you are getting a biopsy that doesn’t require anesthesia, there is nothing you need to do the night before the procedure other than mentally prepare. However, patients in need of anesthesia will likely be asked not to eat or drink for at least 12 hours before their appointment. You should also avoid washing your body with scented soap or using products the day before the procedure.

Follow Recovery Instructions

The biopsy procedure may not hurt during the process itself, but there may be lingering pain for a few days after. Depending on your condition, you may be asked to stay at the hospital or you will be released right away – but make sure you have someone drive you home. It may take you a couple of days to fully recover from your biopsy.

Schedule Your Biopsy Today

If you are worried about lumps or pains in your breast area, you might be a good candidate for a biopsy. This in-depth screening procedure is designed to analyze your tissue to determine whether or not you have cancer. You can learn more from our breast biopsy specialist near you in Austin when you get in touch with one of our friendly professionals today.