Deciding Whether or Not to Undergo Breast Reconstruction

5 women standing wearing white tshirts and jeans

It can be devastating for a woman to learn that she must lose her breasts in order to defeat breast cancer. Fortunately, with the advancements in modern technology and reconstructive surgery, there are ways to rebuild the breasts to make them look even better than they did before surgery. At the Breast Institute Austin, we have encountered many women who are deciding whether or not to undergo breast reconstruction in Austin after undergoing a mastectomy procedure. This is a big decision, and we want to make sure our patients are fully equipped with the details to make the most informed choices about their bodies. To better understand whether breast reconstruction is a viable option following the mastectomy process, our friendly professionals have written a quick guide giving you all of the details. Not only are there several reconstruction procedures that can bring breasts back to life, but there are …

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Breast Cancer Risk Decreased by Breastfeeding?

Breast Feeding And Breast Cancer Recent studies have suggested a link between the act of breastfeeding and the reduction of the risk for cancer. While natural breastfeeding of your newborn child is always encouraged, now there may be more than one good reason to continue this behavior. Breastfeeding is typically very healthy for a baby, and can help bolster their developmental, social, and mental growth. By breastfeeding, not only are you strengthening your child, but you are establishing an intimate bond with them as well. And now, you could even be decreasing your chances of developing breast cancer. At The Breast Institute Austin, we are always supportive of proactive research and new findings that appear to help with cancer risk reduction. Our breast center family has deducted some research to figure out the science behind this theory, and whether breastfeeding your child can really help you avoid developing cancer. …

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Coping with Breast Cancer

Being diagnosed with breast cancer can spark a range of emotional reactions: fear, sadness, shock, anger, anxiety. Learning to cope with these emotions and feelings can feel impossible at times, but you are capable of much more than you realize. From diagnosis to recovery, having a support system, whether that be your family, your friends, or a support group, is integral as you go through treatments and beyond. Coping with breast cancer may sometime feel like an incredible hurdle, but it is one you can surely overcome with the right information and support. For more support and medical expertise, contact the best breast cancer doctor in Austin, Dr. Miltenburg today. You are not Alone Feeling overwhelmed during your diagnosis or treatment is incredibly common, so you do not need to feel like you are alone. You absolutely are not. Depression, anxiety, fear, and sadness are not only common, they …

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What are the Different Types of Breast Cancer?

As technology advances, breast cancer screenings are catching breast cancer earlier and earlier. We are more vigilant about our health, and have access to technology that allows us to live much longer lives. With that, however, comes the fact that with longer lives comes a longer window within which to develop a disease like breast cancer. Despite our increased access to information and knowledge about our own health, not everyone understands the different types of breast cancer. With the help of the best breast cancer doctor in Austin, Dr. Miltenburg, we can begin to explore the ways in which breast cancer spread. Breast cancer can begin in many different areas of the breast: the ducts, the lobules, and in some cases the tissues in-between. Just as there are many different areas where the cancer can begin, there are many different types of breast cancer, too. Understanding the differences between …

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You’ve Survived Breast Cancer, Now What?

Once the terror of looming breast cancer finally subsides, it can be difficult to decide what your next move should be. After all, you’ve survived breast cancer and that’s nothing to bat an eye at! All that said, to prevent recurrence and simply feel better, there are a few healthy lifestyle changes anyone can and should make. For more information on living with breast cancer, breast cancer surgery, and seeing a breast cancer specialist in Austin, contact the Breast Institute Austin today. Kick Bad Habits The first step to living better after you’ve survived a brush with breast cancer is to escape any lingering bad habits. If you still smoke, it’s safe to say that it’s time to kick that habit to the curb. If your sweet tooth is out of control, then it’s time to bring that sugar addiction down to more manageable levels. For anyone who doesn’t …

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Living with Breast Cancer Pain

When undergoing breast cancer treatment, it is common to experience pain from the cancer itself or as a side effect of your treatment. Unrelieved breast cancer pain can impact your quality of life and ability to fight the disease, so pain management is of the utmost importance. Breast cancer pain management is an important aspect of any treatment plan as it helps to use an integrative approach to healing. Through the reduction of pain and improved quality of life, breast cancer pain management aids many patients in pushing through their treatment plans like warriors. Read on to discover the best ways to manage your breast cancer pain and achieve peace of mind while you heal your body. Whether it’s Chemotherapy in Austin, a mastectomy, or a consultation with a breast cancer doctor in Austin, our team of experts are here to help reclaim your body for you. Neuropathic Breast …

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What Are Your Options for Breast Reconstruction?

breast reconstruction options

Breast cancer is a tough battle and for those who survive, the options post-surgery can be daunting. If you’ve had a partial or full mastectomy, you might be wondering what your options are in terms of breast reconstruction surgery. Read on to learn more about whether you are a candidate, what types of surgeries are available and when the timing might be right to visit a breast cancer doctor in Austin. As always, please use the resources available at the Breast Institute Austin for any questions or concerns you may have. Is It Right for Me? Whether or not to have breast reconstruction surgery is a very personal decision. What might work for one woman, won’t necessarily work for another, and there are other options apart from surgery. Some women choose to use padding or might decide to make no effort to change their appearance. The good news is …

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What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Symptoms

A woman’s breast health can change throughout her life and is the result of age, environment and genetics. According to, an estimated 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2017, along with 63,410 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer. This is why it is important to know the breast cancer symptoms and signs so you can make informed decisions about your own health. Read on to know what to look for and what actions you should be taking with your breast cancer doctor in Austin. Benign Breast Changes There are some very common, benign or noncancerous changes in breast health that you should be aware of. These changes can include generalized breast lumpiness, enlargement of the lymph nodes, breast pain, and nipple discharge. Some women also suffer from fibroadenomas or painless, moveable and firm round lumps in the breast. …

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Top Disproved Risks of Breast Cancer

  There are many factors that research has shown are not linked to and breast cancer symptoms. You may see information online or hear about these disproved or controversial risk factors, but it is important to learn the facts before digesting false information. Here are the top disproved risks of breast cancer. Antiperspirants Research on deodorant and antiperspirant use and breast cancer risk was driven by concerns that chemicals found in these products might enter the skin in the underarm and cause changes in breast cells that could lead to cancer. However, studies have found no link between deodorant and antiperspirant use and breast cancer risk. Based on the available evidence (including what we know about how the body works), there is little if any reason to believe that antiperspirants increase the risk of breast cancer. Bras and Underwire Bras Scientific evidence does not support a link between wearing …

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The Different Techniques for a Breast Biopsy

In a breast biopsy or mammogram, tissue is taken from the breast and examined under the microscope in order to determine whether or not cancer is present. There are different breast biopsy techniques. These include: Fine needle aspiration, also known as FNA, image-guided core needle biopsy, and excisional biopsy. FNA Fine needle aspiration, which is also known as FNA, is among the least invasive breast biopsy techniques. It is often used when the doctor suspects a cyst or to biopsy a lymph node. A problem with FNA is if malignant cells are seen, the pathologist may not be ale to tell if the cancer is invasive or non invasive. This distinction is very important because it guides treatment decisions. If cancer is diagnosed on FNA, additional biopsies may be essential. Core Needle Biopsy This technique is used when an abnormality is seen on breast imaging such as mammogram, ultrasound …

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