How to choose a breast doctor?

There is no such thing as a stress-free breast cancer diagnosis. Even the most well-prepared individuals should expect to take some time to re-assess their priorities and put together a plan for moving forward. To get started, you first need to consider your care team. This should be a combination of medical professionals and people close to you that you can count on for real support. Your chosen team will form the foundation for your treatment plan, so choose wisely. It all starts with finding the right doctor. How to Choose a Breast Doctor? Learning how to choose a breast doctor may take a little effort, but will prove worth it in the long run. When looking for the best breast cancer doctor Austin has, try visiting Breast Institute Austin. We provide a range of services for women in the area. For examinations and the best mammogram Austin has …

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The Top Tips for Breast Health

Top tips for breast health

When it comes to our breasts, there are several concerns. Many women worry about the appearance of their breasts, the signs of aging, and whether or not the bras they wear are actually giving them the support and comfort they need. Even more importantly, we worry about our health. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, one out of every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point. Our breast health is extremely important, and yet many women don’t know that there are factors they can actually control to reduce the likelihood of a cancer diagnosis. We call these the top tips for breast health. For more information, visit the top breast cancer surgeon Austin has around. The Top Tips for Breast Health To give you a better understanding of what affects your breast health and what you can do to improve it, we have compiled …

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Can Breast Cancer be Misdiagnosed?

Can breast cancer be misdiagnosed?

Over the past few decades, medical professionals have significantly improved their ability to diagnose and treat breast cancer. As long as you do a self-examination about once a month and start annual mammograms at age 45, you and your medical care team should be able to detect any possible cancer long before it becomes life-threatening. Unfortunately, when it comes to distinguishing whether or not a lump is cancerous, we are still working within an imperfect system. So can breast cancer be misdiagnosed? We provide patients with the best breast cancer surgeon Austin has available. Contact us to learn more about what we can do for our patients. Being Diagnosed: Can Breast Cancer Be Misdiagnosed? If your initial mammogram reveals the presence of a lump, then your doctor will want to proceed with further diagnostic testing. They may do a second mammogram to get a better look at the suspected …

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Finding Support During Chemotherapy

Finding support during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy treatment can be the most challenging time of your life, but you aren’t alone: here are tips for finding support during chemotherapy. There is nothing quite like hearing a cancer diagnosis. The threat of mortality, the lost possibilities, and a future filled with uncertainty are aspects that no one can ignore. Yet, we constantly see images of the stoic cancer patient in media. These characters that just sit there, somehow totally at peace with their diagnosis, are not something that you have to aspire to be. You are allowed to be scared. You are allowed to be angry. These are all normal emotions that you should feel. However, it is possible to let them consume you, which could harm your chances of reaching a full recovery. The Complications of Chemo Learning to recognize your negative emotions without letting them take over your life is hard enough. Chemotherapy adds …

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The Link between Smoking and Breast Cancer

Smoking and breast cancer are quite strongly linked.

It is a well-established fact that smoking negatively impacts your health. The carbon monoxide expressed lowers the level of oxygenation in your blood, slowing down the healing process and general cell regeneration. The chemical mixture that is fast-tracked into your lungs is laced with carcinogens and other harmful materials. The result is that the average smoker’s lifespan is ten years shorter than the average lifespan of a non-smoker. Unfortunately, the harm from smoking affects more than just the lungs. Bronchitis and lung cancer remain two of the leading causes of death for people who smoke. Still, heart disease, stroke, and other cancers that target the thoracic and abdominal regions are also more common in smokers. This appears to include breast cancer. Research in Progress With a notable increase in breast cancer among premenopausal women over the past forty years, researchers have become increasingly interested in what factors put younger …

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Everything You Need to Know About Breast Cancer Support Groups

Breast cancer support groups can provide emotional support during trying tims

There is never a convenient time for a cancer diagnosis. Regardless of your financial position and familial support, breast cancer is disruptive and destructive, with a multitude of associated costs. The team at Breast Health Institute Austin does everything in its power to ensure all patients receive the care and support they need, but it is okay to need more. One way is through breast cancer support groups. Whether you’re concerned about medical bills, child care, or just need emotional support, there are resources that you can use to bring more stability to your everyday life. Although there are big national names like Cancer Care, the Pink Fund, and the Breast Cancer Charities of America, you can also find many local resources to help you build a much-needed community. The Necessity of Support Professional group leaders and fellow cancer patients/survivors can aid you in the fight against isolation that …

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When to Get a Mammogram

Knowing when to get a mammogram is vital

Considering our mortality is an exercise that most of us would prefer to avoid. As a result, undergoing regular, preventative care can be a stressful practice, but it is also necessary if we want to enjoy more time on this earth. Mammograms are no exception. Knowing when to get a mammogram is essential to your health. In a lot of cases, people think of mammograms as something reserved for older women. Historically this was the case. Women would often wait until they were in their 50s or 60s to get their first mammogram, but the perceived increase in breast cancer cases in younger women is changing that perception. At Breast Institute Austin, breast cancer prevention is our highest priority. Shifting the Bar A recent report out of Yale states that about 11% of breast cancer patients are under the age of 45. It may not seem like a lot, …

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What to Expect After a Mastectomy

Life after a mastectomy

Whether your mastectomy is preventative or a response to a positive cancer diagnosis, the honest truth is that this surgery is incredibly hard on most women. Those of us who have watched our mothers, aunts, sisters, etc. undergo a mastectomy already have some idea of how physically and emotionally draining this particular surgery can be. However, a second-hand experience is ultimately removed from the actual experience. In preparation for your procedure, Dr. Darlene M. Miltenburg at Breast Health Institute Austin will have already spoken to you about post-surgical care. What she may not have spoken to you about yet is the mental and emotional toll that this procedure often takes on women, so let us take a few minutes to discuss your physical and your mental health post-mastectomy. The Physical Toll This topic receives a lot of coverage, mostly because many patients appear to initially assume that their surgeon …

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How Long Does it Take to Treat Breast Cancer?

Pink breast cancer ribbon on alarm clock

There are many factors to consider when determining how long breast cancer takes to treat. Even your doctor will only be able to give estimates based on how far your cancer has spread through the breast tissue and where it has metastasized if it has metastasized at all. Their estimates are based on decades of experience and medical research. However, you should still ask your doctor to give you two estimates, one that imagines everything going to plan and one that factors in common complications. Taking all factors into consideration, the Mayo Clinic suggests that the average treatment length for breast cancer can be divided into two categories: early-stage breast cancer and advanced breast cancer. When trying to figure out how long breast cancer takes to treat, it’s important to start here. If you’re lucky and catch your condition early on, then your breast cancer treatment will generally last …

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Coping with Chemo: What to Expect and How to Handle it

Bald woman sitting on yoga mat happy

A breast cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. There’s no denying that simple fact. To do otherwise would ignore everything your body has meant to you. Imminent surgery is already a lot to handle. You will have to decide with your doctor how you want to approach it. You can maintain a level of control in regard to your decision of when or if to have reconstructive surgery; however, when it comes to chemotherapy, control can often seem out of reach. This can make coping with chemotherapy very difficult.

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